Low speed
(01-09-2023, 02:22 PM)Snoopy Wrote: attack speed varies and depends a lot on hash, masklength, given dictionaries or rules

dont use windows taskmanager in conjunction with hashcat to tell the workload (see hashcat output for this), this also applies for gpu

Yes I understand that using something like task manager is inaccurate for certain workloads, however I am using hashcat's output on speed to determine that there is a significant drop in hash speed. I am using CPU-X and htop(I use Ubuntu) to monitor my CPU clock speed and other stats. I have however noted that when using certain instruction sets like AVX and AMX with my code and other software, my CPU runs at a lower clock, I am wondering if the same issue affects hashcat.

Messages In This Thread
Low speed - by ds047 - 01-09-2023, 06:03 AM
RE: Low speed - by marc1n - 01-09-2023, 11:32 AM
RE: Low speed - by ds047 - 01-10-2023, 04:44 AM
RE: Low speed - by Snoopy - 01-09-2023, 02:22 PM
RE: Low speed - by ds047 - 01-10-2023, 04:48 AM