Recovering a Solana keystore wallet
Thank you for the information. There is no such thing as a generalized format to input these parameters into hashcat I understand.
Is there anywhere a tutorial or further information on how to implement a kernel module in hahcat? In general I want to learn more about how hashcat works to see if I can be more than just a user.
If adding a module/kernel consists mostly of reshuffling code and parameters from an existing kernel, I might be able to pull it off. If it has to be programmed from zero, I am afraid it is beyond my skill set. I do think it might become interesting to add a kernel for Solana to hashcat. Solana has a market cap of 10 billion and it is only a matter of time before more people will end up having to recover their keys.

Messages In This Thread
Recovering a Solana keystore wallet - by monyanus - 11-29-2023, 01:41 PM
RE: Recovering a Solana keystore wallet - by monyanus - 11-30-2023, 12:32 PM