Oclhashcat lite 0.13 and 0.10 are slower than 0.09
The version V0.13 been released on new year's eve while the issue with the patch happened on new year's day around 1PM so, until not been modded the zip file on the robot (But doesn't look like as the zip date states 31.12.2012) the support for the -m 1900 is still there.
As well the kwrnels m1900 are missing in the zip file since the version 0.10 which means it should relay on the old kernels anyway (or compile them when needed)



Messages In This Thread
RE: Oclhashcat lite 0.13 and 0.10 are slower than 0.09 - by Moulnisky - 01-04-2013, 11:00 AM