reuse restore file after upgrade (was oclHashcat v1.01)
As far as I know, (by accident) for the next version of oclHashcat, there is a new feature that will "upgrade" your .restore file when it detects that the restore file could still be used (if nothing significantly changed with the struct ).

But what it basically does is that it updates the version number stored in the .restore file (of the - original - oclHashcat binary) and it also tries to update relative paths, i.e. at the end it will just do something like this (but of course with some sanity checks and by warning the user about path changes etc):
$ cp oclHashcat.restore oclHashcat_bak.restore # create backup of restore file
$ printf "\x$(echo "obase=16; $(./oclHashcat64.bin --version | sed 's/\.//g')" | bc)" | dd of=oclHashcat.restore conv=notrunc
$ sed -i "s/oclHashcat-[\.0-9]*/oclHashcat-$(./oclHashcat64.bin --version)/g" oclHashcat.restore

What this does is:
1. update version number
2. update path to oclHashcat-1.01

When could this possibly fail:
1. you've used some paths that are relative to oclHashcat-1.00 directory - e.g. hash file / dict file / mask files were in command line args, relative to oclHashcat-1.00 folder and you didn't put them (also) in the new folder
(2. you do not use / are not able to use linux shell commands - and also you can't update the restore file manually - text editor - 1. byte + paths)

As said, there is a planned feature w/ 1.02 version of oclHashcat that does the changes to the .restore file (automatically w/ some sanity checks)... still, since the restore file also stores some (maybe relative) paths etc... also the new automatic update feature could possible fail (as mentioned above) if the files were not mirrored to the new oclHashcat folder etc.

But the (semi)manual update for now should be straightforward

Messages In This Thread
RE: oclHashcat v1.01 - by philsmd - 01-04-2014, 12:03 PM
RE: oclHashcat v1.01 - by radix - 01-04-2014, 12:18 PM
RE: oclHashcat v1.01 - by davejcb - 01-04-2014, 04:32 PM
RE: oclHashcat v1.01 - by epixoip - 01-05-2014, 02:32 AM
RE: oclHashcat v1.01 - by qweasd - 01-06-2014, 04:01 AM