08-31-2011, 04:01 PM
(08-31-2011, 12:54 PM)atom Wrote: yeah but i am to lazy to code .cap parser
Hi atom
I can completely understand your lack of enthusiasm to make a .cap parser for hashcatplus.
I think I can speak for all the users of hashcat when I say that I (assume everyone) is extremely grateful for all your work and especially considering you are kind enough to give it all away for free.
I assume you are probably the sort of person who enjoys working out how to do the actual cracking (more technical side) than bothering with the issues less experienced users, like myself, may face. This is presumably why you concentrate on the serious code rather than a GUI etc.
However even though I understand the above, would you please reconsider taking the time to make a parser to allow hashcatplus to be able to crack standard .cap files ? This would really help less experienced users out and I suspect you will save not only yourself time but the forum contributors here a lot of time in the future.
I say this because believe you may experience a lot of forum posts claiming hashcat “doesn’t work†or other false claims as people try to use normal .cap files. I also guess that there will be many who will not understand how to do the converting themselves and people here will be constantly answering questions about this subject.
I admit I know nothing about the time it will take you to make this parser but I thought I would ask you now before you release the latest version and attract the problems I mentioned.
Please reconsider making a parser for hashcatplus.