Is hash type hmac-ripemd-160 supported?
(06-16-2014, 02:44 PM)undeath Wrote: don't bother if you don't have any hints that decrease the search space dramatically.

Yes I know that with normal firepower the Universe will end before the operation is completed.

Let's say I do not really *need* to crack this archive. I am having fun learning Hashcat, and seeing how far it can go in terms of performance.

When I will launch the final attack with oclHashcat on an EC2 GPGU, if it will still tell me that it needs a few years, I will give up. In the meantime I will have learnt something about high-performance computing.

I am already amazed by the fact that on an Amazon Mini instance (1 CPU with just a half Gigabyte of RAM), the base Hashcat does 140 million tries per second!

Other cracking apps that I've tested can do 10 *thousand* tries per second! For you this might be normal knowledge, for me it's a surprise.

Hashcat on a Mini instance would need only 10 hours to test all possible combinations of a 6-digit ?l?u?d.

I am so curious to see the performance of oclHashcat on an EC2 GPGU with the equivalent of 26 cores and 15 GB of RAM. The cost to run such instance for a few days will not be high, if I manage to do it when spot prices are low.

So, would you be so kind to help me understand if I can use oclHashcat with the old Truecrypt archive? :-)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is hash type hmac-ripemd-160 supported? - by majsat - 06-16-2014, 06:14 PM