Question re attacking one (1) hash....!
If I understand correctly, you want to brute force both the key AND part of the message?

To approach this with hashcat you will need to generate 10000 possible messages, one for each possible value of PN. Then you will use each of these 10000 messages as the salt values with mode 1450.

Depending on the size of the message, you might be able to use Hashcat. However, based on the information you have provided, it seems like your message will be way too long for Hashcat. But even if it's not too long for Hashcat, if the key is long and random, it is very unlikely (read: impossible) that you will find the key.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Question re attacking one (1) hash....! - by epixoip - 12-08-2014, 08:41 AM