Noob asking for help MD5 ($salt.$pass)
Thanks for the tip, tested and works - is the approach above (I mean the original one) completely wrong? It seems I did everything the 'around way' instead of a direct approach.

I got ~21k H/s using the -m 500 and about 27000k H/s using the -m 20. The former seems very slow compared to the MD5 oclHashcat benchmark I did (57000 kH/s). I guess I'm doing something wrong, just don't know what.

The 21kH/s command is:
cudahashcat32.exe -m 500 -a 3 $1$xxSALTxx$xxxxxPASSxxxxx -o found.txt

Thanks in advance for suggestions.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Noob asking for help MD5 ($salt.$pass) - by tryglav666 - 12-13-2014, 01:51 AM