special character problem with standarad hash generators
Thank you for your answer, I appreciate your help – problem solved. There was also an entry in the wiki, which I must have overlooked (shame on me).

The crucial information was that oclHashcat does not know anything about encoding and the bytewise reading. The approach from rurapenthe link is an interesting way and I understand what he’s doing but couldn’t figure out why it works.

I will make here a short summary for other people with the same problem:
Just put your character set (everything form the ?a option with the special stuff like ä, ö, ü) into a file and save it with the proper encoding (e.g. in linux: leafpad -> save as and choose the encoding you want, windows: notepad++ just change the encoding and save).

Always more fun under Linux is to use the command line ^^

To convert a wordlist with iconv just use:
iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-15 wordlistUTF8 > wordlistISO885915

to calculate the hashes (e.g. md5) use:
while read line; do echo -n $line | md5sum | cut -c 1-32; done < wordlistISO885915 >> md5wordlistISO885915

Messages In This Thread
RE: special character problem with standarad hash generators - by BringInTheCat - 01-29-2015, 11:42 PM