ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209
First of all thx for your help it's seem's to work ! update of the procedure

-Installating Ubuntu-Desktop 14.04.1 on a i7 with a 570GTX
-Installing ssh : sudo apt-get install ssh
-Downloading nvidia driver : wget
-Convert to executable : sudo chmod +x
-Stopping X : sudo service lightdm stop
-Connecting with the ssh because i got a black screen on the local pc
-Installing the nvidia driver : sudo ./
(Accepting the EULA - Installing everything as default)
-Getting an error about Nouveau driver already installed, nvidia update the file
-Rebooting the pc : sudo reboot now
-Stopping X : sudo service lightdm stop
-Connecting with the ssh because i got a black screen on the local pc
-Installing the nvidia driver without Nouveau driver : sudo ./
-Rebooting the pc : sudo reboot now
-Downloading cudaHashcat : wget
-Installing P7Zip : sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
-Unziping the archive : 7za x cudaHashcat-1.32.7z
-Goiing to folder : cd cudaHashcat-1.32.7z
-Trying to benchmark (easiest command ill try 4-5 other's) : sudo ./cudaHashcat64.bin -b

Working !

Messages In This Thread
ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209 - by YanViau - 02-08-2015, 07:37 PM
RE: ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209 - by epixoip - 02-08-2015, 08:21 PM
RE: ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209 - by YanViau - 02-08-2015, 09:06 PM