02-22-2015, 12:36 AM
Yep, that's two different stories leading to the same thing: the CPU power cannot be raised much mure so you add massive parallel RISC cores (a single shaders layout is very similar to a classic RISC ALU) to boost performance. The "graphic card" that's onboard now will become the CPU like the FPU became the CPU when they first nailed it on the 486 die. It'll be fully integrated and optimized and not specified as a graphic card. It might also handle graphic card issues, but that will be only a side thing. I guess we both see the same story here
I didn't see it and just put Malvonis presentation on my watch list, so a big thx for that.
I didn't see it and just put Malvonis presentation on my watch list, so a big thx for that.