Proper method to extract the hash from a PDF file?
Quote:METHOD COMPLETED at post #6.

In order to test the PDF attack feature of OCLHashCat, I am using these sample hashes files:

+ Sample non-hashes (to be) supported by JtR
For example, this one:
And this file from there in:

So I extract it (from Linux shell) by using PDF2John from John the Ripper suite:

$ ./pdf2john test-3-RC4-40-open-testpassword.pdf test-3-RC4-40-open-testpassword.pdf:$pdf$Standard*9a1156c38ab8177598d1608df7d7e340ae639679bd66bc4cda9bc9a4eedeb170*1f300cd939dd5cf0920c787f12d16be22205e55a5bec5c9c6d563ab4fd0770d7*16*c015cff8dbf99345ac91c84a45667784*1*1*0*1*6*40*-4*2*1
$ ./pdf2john test-3-RC4-40-open-testpassword.pdf > test3.txt
n$ cat test3.txt

And now I try to crack it (from PowerShell at Windows 7 SP1):

PS C:\Users\Luis> oclhashcat64 "test3.txt" -m 10400 -a 3 anypassword
oclHashcat v1.33 starting...

WARNING: Hashfile 'test3.txt' in line 1 (test-3-RC4-40-open-testpassword.pdf:$pdf$Standard*9a1156c38ab8177598d1608df7d7e340ae639679bd66bc4cda9bc9a4eedeb170*1f300cd939dd5cf0920c787f12d16be22205e55a5bec5c9c6d563ab4fd0770d7*16*c015cff8dbf99345ac91c84a45667784*1*1*0*1*6*40*-4*2*1): Line-length exception
Parsed Hashes: 1/1 (100.00%)

ERROR: No hashes loaded

Any hash type (10400, 10410, 10420, 10500, 10600, 10700) fail.
If I modify the "test3.pdf" file and remove the "test-3-RC4-40-open-testpassword.pdf:" part, the attacks keep failing.

I think the problem comes, acording to this thread, from the PDF hash file format, that should rather be something like (supposed example for RC4-40 cyphering):


If this is the kind of hash file that must be generated, what is the method to achieve it?

Thanks you.

Messages In This Thread
Proper method to extract the hash from a PDF file? - by SopalajoArrierez - 02-20-2015, 05:52 PM