Fingerprint Attack in windows
I am attempting to do/learn a fingerprint attack...

usage: expander.exe < infile > outfile

C:\Users\Dad\Desktop\HashcatGUI_045\hashcat-utils-1.0>rootkit_found.txt my.txt expander.exe

C:\Users\Dad\Desktop\HashcatGUI_045\hashcat-utils-1.0>my.txt rootkit_found.txt expander.exe

C:\Users\Dad\Desktop\HashcatGUI_045\hashcat-utils-1.0>expander.exe rootkit_found.txt my.txt

C:\Users\Dad\Desktop\HashcatGUI_045\hashcat-utils-1.0>expander.exe rootkit_found.txt | my.txt

C:\Users\Dad\Desktop\HashcatGUI_045\hashcat-utils-1.0>expander.exe rootkit_found.txt | sort -u my.txt


I have tried all variations that I can think of and have posted the ones above I remember (as I had to reboot my machine) and the only one that works is the last one (expander.exe rootkit_found.txt | sort -u my.txt) but the output is confined to the screen and does not save to file.

The first command rootkit_found.txt my.txt expander.exe opens the rootkit_found.txt file in the Emeditor proggy but does not append the above hashes/passwords.

Can someone give me some advice or point me in the right direction for the correct syntax so that I can save the output to file.


Messages In This Thread
Fingerprint Attack in windows - by Flyinghaggis - 07-23-2015, 09:35 AM
RE: Fingerprint Attack in windows - by epixoip - 07-23-2015, 09:41 AM
RE: Fingerprint Attack in windows - by epixoip - 07-23-2015, 07:33 PM
RE: Fingerprint Attack in windows - by undeath - 07-23-2015, 12:52 PM