New Algorithm (hash) template
Maybe some "hello world" example? Just some replacement for some existing hash-mode in "OpenCL\*.cl" to avoid recompiling hashcatXX.exe and then running with replaced hash-mode ID, just for playing and checking possibilities ... Or maybe adding "hello world" official hash-mode as demo for future developers as "quick starter", so we don't need use existing hash.
Or it's more complicated and changes in *.cl are not enough?

Messages In This Thread
New Algorithm (hash) template - by Martin2 - 11-07-2016, 10:49 AM
RE: New Algorithm (hash) template - by atom - 11-07-2016, 12:24 PM
RE: New Algorithm (hash) template - by Martin2 - 11-15-2016, 12:09 PM
RE: New Algorithm (hash) template - by atom - 11-15-2016, 07:17 PM