Hashcat 3.20 on NVIDIA GTX 480 and Intel Xeon X5482
Ok I did a test with 3.10 and it works perfectly (I redid the test to be sure)

Also I did all the steps Atom said in the early post.

But when I use 3.20 I get this msg :

hashcat (v3.20) starting...

* Device #1: Old CUDA chipset 3.5 detected, OpenCL performance is reduced.
For ideal hashcat performance on NVIDIA GPU you need Shader Model 5.0 or higher
nvmlDeviceGetCurrPcieLinkWidth(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(): Not Supported

I have an Nvidia gtx 780 so Im pretty sure I have shader5.0 compatibility.

hope we find the issue.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hashcat 3.20 on NVIDIA GTX 480 and Intel Xeon X5482 - by aprizm - 12-22-2016, 07:16 PM