Iterate numbers 0000 to 9999 in Combo Attack
I need to create passwords of the structure for a Cisco DPC3941B Xfinity router:


Where apple and basket are 5 and 6 letter words respectively and the numbers in between could be any combination. I have a dictionary of 5 letter words and a dictionary of 6 letter words. What I need is to be able to create all combinations of the dictionaries and numbers so e.g:

etc. to the last word in 6 letter dict then:

Basically it cycles through every word in the 6 letter dictionary before incrementing the number. The numbers are incremented from 0000 to 9999. Then apple is finally changed to the next word after all that.

So far I have:

./hashcat64.bin -m 2500 -a 1 ~/Desktop/WPAcapture.hccap ~/Desktop/5letterwords.txt ~/Desktop/6letterwords.txt

How would I insert numbers to the right of the first dictionary word that increment so that I try all possible combos? Thank you for your time!

Messages In This Thread
Iterate numbers 0000 to 9999 in Combo Attack - by rustyshackleford - 01-27-2017, 08:51 PM