Toggle question / Emulate shift
So I'm trying to reduce duplicates in password processing, specifically around case toggling.

I'm generating a 4 char keywalk with kwprocessor including shifts, lowercase everything, sort and remove dupes. Then using prince I can make comboes and let rules handle all the case toggling (much faster than std in or a fat list).

Considering that many of these combinations have 1 or more non-letters, the toggle rule has no effect on the plain (there is no lowercase $ or 1) and a dupe is processed... at least as far as I can tell a dupe is processed. If a rule doesn't change a candidate, is there logic to skip it? I'm guessing not as it's probably faster to plow ahead than check.

Based on that assumption, I would like to figure out a way to emulate a shift: Ie 1<=>! 2<=>@ a<=>A

Is there somethng like that already?


Messages In This Thread
Toggle question / Emulate shift - by mahoganyduck - 07-02-2018, 01:32 AM
RE: Toggle question / Emulate shift - by philsmd - 07-02-2018, 08:21 AM
RE: Toggle question / Emulate shift - by undeath - 07-02-2018, 03:12 PM