PBKDF2-SHA256 Signature unmatched error
(10-03-2018, 07:58 PM)philsmd Wrote: hashcat expects this format: https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes (search for 10900)

"sha256", ":", iterations, ":", base64 salt, ":", base64 digest

both salt and the "hash" (digest) must be encoded with base64

Hashcat "only" supports this format, but it should be pretty easy for you to convert it, if you have the hashes in the other format from jtr.

Reformatting the hashes worked, thanks.

I tried to feed, as a wordlist, the passwords I'd recovered from jtr, and from 50 passwords there, hashcat only recovered ~20. Any idea why this might happen?

Messages In This Thread
RE: PBKDF2-SHA256 Signature unmatched error - by pbkdf2-fan - 10-04-2018, 11:32 AM