what is wrong with these rules and attack?
oclHashcat.exe example.hash -o output.txt names.dict names.dict --rule-left="$a$n$d" --rule-right="$4$e$v$e$r"

I hash some names to test, bobandmarie4ever and some others... and I get nothing.

oclHashcat.exe example.hash -o output.txt names.dict names.dict --rule-left="$+" --rule-right="$4$e$v$e$r"

That finds bob+marie4ever just fine.

Am I being retarded?

oclHashcat.exe example.hash -o output.txt names.dict names.dict --rule-left="c$+" --rule-right="c$4$e$v$e$r"

There, I try and cap the first letter of each name, but it doesn't, it finds bob+marie4ever again but not Bob+Marie4ever

Any ideas?

Messages In This Thread
what is wrong with these rules and attack? - by davidonpda - 07-06-2010, 10:07 PM