oclhashcat-lite v0.8 Bug Report Thread
Every member please try to keep forum organized and post all bug related with oclhashcat-lite v0.8 here.

Any unrelated posts will be removed without warning.

Skipped 1 of 8 GPU's but in status GPU's are aligned incorectly, displayed not by the order, skipped GPU not shown anymore either.

In this example I have here 8 GPU rig , and #7 GPU failed, I skip this specific GPU with command line: -d 1,2,3,4,5,6,8

program launches, shows skipped gpu in first run, and in status display prompt it shows #7 gpu active and #8 gpu missing etc



Messages In This Thread
oclhashcat-lite v0.8 Bug Report Thread - by Mr.Ultimate - 01-05-2012, 06:29 PM