BruteForce with specific patterns
Hello all.

I have a list of hashes around ~14 char long.
I would like to understand if there is any way to brute force only with valid words.
let's say i have around 20k words that i believe that most of the passwords are "built" from.
i am asking if there is any way to brute-force the following way :
(?w - is a word from the 20k list,?s is a symbol)


until now i just used combinator for 4 times but i got a file size ~30GB

Thanks in advanceĀ Smile

Messages In This Thread
BruteForce with specific patterns - by Tito - 03-26-2019, 07:38 PM
RE: BruteForce with specific patterns - by atom - 04-02-2019, 01:37 PM