02-08-2020, 04:34 PM
Nevermind I was able to figure it out and make a custom mask that cracked my volume. What i did was just pass it like so..
so if my password was p@ssw0rd then but i couldn't remember if i used an a or @ or o or zero then i just do p?1ssw?2rd and that ended up working.
.\hashcat -a 3 myfile.hash ?1 aA@ ?2 o0O ?3 eE3
so if my password was p@ssw0rd then but i couldn't remember if i used an a or @ or o or zero then i just do p?1ssw?2rd and that ended up working.
.\hashcat -a 3 -m13572 myfile.hash ?1 aA@ ?2 o0O ?3 eE3 p?1ssw?2rd