Precomputing salt / debugging module files
Thank you very much for the hint about -m 21200 (which wasn't optimized to compute sha1($salt) within the host code once and only once per hash). I've suggested the change here and it was merged:

To answer your question: my guess is that the only problem here is that the input buffer is not large enough:
The data variable (the data input, "message"/salt/password/data etc you want to hash) must be of at least a certain size, see:

so you should use
u32 saltSwapped[16] = { 0 };

btw: I'm not saying that it must be swapped, that is something that needs to be checked for your specific situation, althrough it doesn't seem completely unlikely that some swaps need to be added (or removed).... all I'm saying is that to achieve a "64 byte alignment" you need to use something like:
u32 data[16] = { 0 };
(or larger)

because 16*4 bytes = 64 byte.

I hope this will at least solve one of the problems.

Thanks again

Messages In This Thread
RE: Precomputing salt / debugging module files - by philsmd - 07-29-2020, 09:27 PM