Module DGST_SIZE_4_2 what to do?
I need to change the DGST_SIZE from DGST_SIZE_4_4 to DGST_SIZE_4_2 in the module code as the data I'm using is only 80 bits long, it's not a hash as such but encrypted data. I've made the required change but my question is what do I do with DGST_POS0 to DGST_POS3?

I was thinking this? is that correct?

static const u32  DGST_POS0      = 0;
static const u32  DGST_POS1      = 0;
static const u32  DGST_POS2      = 1;
static const u32  DGST_POS3      = 1;

What happens to the two missing positions that I'm not using, how does hashcat behave in this scenario?

Messages In This Thread
Module DGST_SIZE_4_2 what to do? - by Zzzz - 01-05-2021, 03:01 PM