Cracking WPA Password (Token length exception – no hashes loaded)
(06-25-2021, 05:55 PM)Jimis 3:16 Wrote: Something strange is that the words didn't start from aaaaaaaa but from random letters, do you think anything's wrong??
All is fine. It doesn't run in alphabetical order. Hashcat selects combinations that are most likely first using statistics. If I remember correctly the default statistics for which order to try the combinations was calculated from the rockyou wordlist. If you are doing something advanced you can supply your own statistics. But get the basics working first before trying the advanced options. If you, sometime in the future, want to try advanced options you can calculate your own statistics using the hcstat2gen tool from hashcat utils.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cracking WPA Password (Token length exception – no hashes loaded) - by trebla - 06-25-2021, 11:54 PM