Crack WPA2 (.hc22000 file) with list not completing
Try to play with -D option.
At first, to show info about detected backend devices, run
hashcat.exe -I

Then choose your device.
In my case
-D 1  means use CPU, works!
-D 2  means use GPU, doesn't work, Device #2: Not enough allocatable device memory for this attack.

For simplicity, you can enter the hash and password directly into the command line.
hashcat.exe  -D 1  -a 3  -m 22000  "WPA*01*4d4fe7aac3a2cecab195321ceb99a7d0*fc690c158264*f4747f87f9f4*686173686361742d6573736964***"  "hashcat!"

It takes about 16 minutes in my case and it works. Status: Cracked
This is an example hash you can find here:
or just
hashcat.exe  -m 22000  --example-hashes

By the way, I'm also new to hashcat.
I'm using Windows and a 10-year-old laptop with an Intel Celeron CPU and an Intel GPU.
I was not able to use hashcat on Linux. Every time I got an "illegal hardware instruction" error.

Now the fun part.
pmkid-hash (format .hc22000) from real dump (captured by hcxdumptool) is not cracked. Status: Exhausted
eapol-hash (format .hc22000) from the same real dump is cracked. Status: Cracked

So far I have not been able to crack pmkid.
I tried wordlist attack, brute-force attack, different dumpfiles, however result is the same. Status: Exhausted
I can crack eapol-hash, but something wrong with pmkid-hash. May be the main reason is my weak hardware.
Please answer what status you saw when you ran the commands below on your hardware. Cracked or Exhausted ?

hashcat.exe  -D 1  -a 3  -m 22000  "WPA*01*f8dc238fb156874627b5ff251b8ab53c*020000000001*020000000020*61703031***"  "12345678"

hashcat.exe  -D 1  -a 3  -m 22000  "WPA*02*6ec572e97e2ede5a6099bf964fa880fd*020000000001*020000000020*61703031*013ebd2420f2dedcfb7ad5cf967c902c5f40031574352a492e809b58b0e74e4a*0103007502010a00000000000000000000f97e365fcdcfcf2ccb91fa35c25c345eaf34b638c15926eb43a1cc78876d7c86000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001630140100000fac040100000fac040100000fac023c00*02"  "12345678"

Explanation of the hc22000 hash line you can find here

Please read this post as an example of troubleshooting of dictionary attack.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Crack WPA2 (.hc22000 file) with list not completing - by v71221 - 12-08-2021, 10:51 AM