[ethereum] Fail to find even known password

I try to crack my ethereum wallet. 
But I fail even to crack a new wallet, of which I know the password.
I created the hash using ethereum2john.py
But I also tried to do it manually, using these instructions:

In both cases, I get the same commandline

hashcat.exe -m15700  $ethereum$s*262144*8*1*bbbb*yyyyy*ccccc h:\dict.txt --status --status-timer=5 -w3 -S

dict.txt contains a few passwords and the known password.

Running this leads to "Exhausted"

I then tried the example hash from https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes

hashcat.exe -m15700 $ethereum$s*262144*1*8*3436383737333838313035343736303637353530323430373235343034363130*8b58d9d15f579faba1cd13dd372faeb51718e7f70735de96f0bcb2ef4fb90278*8de566b919e6825a65746e266226316c1add8d8c3d15f54640902437bcffc8c3 h:\dict1.txt

Running this leads to "cracked"

What could I be doing wrong... I suppose something on the way from my UTC.....json file to the hash must be wrong...

Any Ideas?

Best regards,

Messages In This Thread
[ethereum] Fail to find even known password - by henfri - 04-24-2022, 02:57 PM