Distributed Computing for cracking a long passwd
Ok, after reading once more the wiki page of oclHashcat-lite, i need some help to calculate the amount of total combinations to a specific string.

Lets say that i have a 15 chars passwd that might contain all ?l ?u ?d and ?s in each position.

The total number of combinations will be 94^15=3.9521 wich is (32 (symbols) x 26 (lower letters) x 26 (upper letters) x 10 (numbers))^15 (chars).

This will consider a passwd range from 1 to 15.

What about to calculate for a passwd wich range is between 8 and 15?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Distributed Computing for cracking a long passwd - by HelloShitty - 07-23-2012, 04:31 PM