Geforce GT 240m
To find out the maximum speed of your system you can use the benchmark mode. If you just want to know the WPA speed run: cudaHashcat64.exe -b -m 2500

Most of the time, users do not use -u 4096 which usually makes it a bit faster.

Also note that your command is a unpracticable.

Quote:type dict.txt | cudaHashcat64.exe -m 2500 318.hccap

can be simply written as:

Quote:cudaHashcat64.exe -m 2500 318.hccap dict.txt

In this case, as a bonus, you also get an ETC timer because oclHashcat can count the number of words inside your dictionary on startup.

Messages In This Thread
Geforce GT 240m - by thekingof7 - 01-26-2014, 03:58 AM
RE: Geforce GT 240m - by undeath - 01-26-2014, 10:49 AM
RE: Geforce GT 240m - by thekingof7 - 01-28-2014, 04:12 AM
RE: Geforce GT 240m - by atom - 01-29-2014, 11:11 AM