Ubuntu 16.04 - fglrx is deprecated - is "radeon" driver OK these days?
I've updated one of my development systems to Ubuntu 16.04 to clarify the situation.

As you can read about almost everywhere, fglrx is no longer supported. That's mostly because X11 is not compatible to it.

From what I've tested, the new "amdgpu" driver does _not_ support OpenCL. I know many people claim it comes with OpenCL 2.0, but I didn't get it to work with Ubuntu 16.04.

There, our last hope is the OSS MESA driver. I've patched the latest oclHashcat on GitHub to work with it, but the drivers performance is awful. I think it's not mapping rotate() and bitselect() to their adequate hardware instruction that come with GCN, so we're talking about a performance drop of 2-3 times or higher. However, it works and it cracks, as you can see here:


Long story short: AMD users are forced to switch to Windows. If you want to stick to Linux you're forced to switch to NVidia.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ubuntu 16.04 - fglrx is deprecated - is "radeon" driver OK these days? - by atom - 04-25-2016, 08:11 PM