how to run hashcat legacy rules on new hashcat v3?
So for now, I have to continue my practice of:
1. Run a rule file in GPU hashcat to test it.
2. Collect the rules that won't run into a named CPU rules file.
3. Remove the CPU rules from the main rules file, and name that a named GPU rules file.
4. Run the GPU rules on a GPU hashcat, either the old v2.01 or the new v.300.
5. Run the CPU rules on a CPU hashcat, which for now is only hashcat-legacy v2.01.

In other words, for now, I need to split the provided rules\d3ad0ne.rule into GPU and CPU rules to have all of them run?

Is it planned to ever have the new hashcat v3 simply take a whole rule file and run them all?

Messages In This Thread
RE: how to run hashcat legacy rules on new hashcat v3? - by Kgx Pnqvhm - 07-20-2016, 01:12 AM