Method for removing crap/generated passwords from word lists?
Over on the Forum, General, there are disussions such as "fake, corrupt and other crap hashes" (

And they have "junk lists" on

But the examples above are not in there.

Putting the ones I listed above into analysis tools such as PACK or using as "training lists" for other tools is a waste of time, and leads to erroneous/useless results. The research crowd seems to agree that the 8 character Statfor words are mostly machine-generated.

(If I remember correctly, atom's combined password in one of those articles about cracking was a combination of human created passwords, something to do with "mom of 8 great kids" or similar.)

One more item for my "book" above, even Team Hashcat's unix-ninja, in his "Password DNA" article at, mentined the need to sanitize:

"finally, entries which are known to belong to bots will be removed (these entries do not accurately reflect password authors' behaviours and only skew the results of a dictionary in unfavourable ways)"

Messages In This Thread
RE: Method for removing crap/generated passwords from word lists? - by Kgx Pnqvhm - 07-27-2016, 02:10 PM