WPA Strip, Clean and Convert Script
And here we go with a new version of the script Smile

#Script_it, a simple script which simply tidy your .cap packets collection and prepare them for cracking with oclHashcat-Plus.
#Concept by Hash-IT
#Code by SmilingWolf
echo "Script_it, a simple script which simply tidy your .cap packets collection and prepare them for cracking with oclHashcat-Plus."
echo "You're free to redistribute this script anywhere you want, but keep the original credits. Thank You."
echo "Concept by Hash-IT"
echo "Code by SmilingWolf"
sleep 3
ls -lh A/*
mkdir -p B/OriginalCaps
cp A/* B/OriginalCaps/
echo "Deleting duplicated packets..."
mkdir B/UniqueCaps
md5sum B/OriginalCaps/* > /tmp/hashes_files.tmp
LIST=`md5sum B/OriginalCaps/* | cut -b -32 | sort | uniq`
for MD5 in $LIST
  ULIST=`grep $MD5 /tmp/hashes_files.tmp | head -1 | cut -b 35-`
  DLIST=`grep $MD5 /tmp/hashes_files.tmp | head -1 | cut -b 35- | cut -b 16-`
  cp "$ULIST" "B/UniqueCaps/$DLIST"
rm /tmp/hashes_files.tmp
echo "Done."
echo "Remaining packets:"
ls -lh B/UniqueCaps/*
mkdir B/BadCaps
for f in B/UniqueCaps/*
  l=`wpaclean /dev/null "$f" | wc -l`
  if [ $l == 2 ];
    NewPos=`echo -n "$f" | cut -b 14-`
    echo "Bad capture file found!!! Moving it to B/BadCaps/$NewPos"
    mv "$f" "B/BadCaps/$NewPos"
mkdir B/ReallyUniqueCaps
for f in B/UniqueCaps/*
  BSSID=`wpaclean /dev/null "$f" | cut -d' ' -f 2 | tail -2 | head -1`
  echo "$BSSID $f">> /tmp/bssids_files.tmp
LIST=`cat /tmp/bssids_files.tmp | cut -b -17 | sort | uniq`
  ULIST=`grep $BSSIDS /tmp/bssids_files.tmp | head -1 | cut -b 19-`
  DLIST=`grep $BSSIDS /tmp/bssids_files.tmp | head -1 | cut -b 19- | cut -b 14-`
  cp "$ULIST" "B/ReallyUniqueCaps/$DLIST"
rm /tmp/bssids_files.tmp
mkdir B/CleanCaps
for f in B/ReallyUniqueCaps/*
  l=`wpaclean /dev/null "$f" | tail -2 | head -1 | cut -b 23-`
  if [ -e "B/CleanCaps/$l clean.cap" ];
    if [ -e "B/CleanCaps/$l ($c) clean.cap" ];
      c=$(( $c + 1 ))
      wpaclean "B/CleanCaps/$l ($c) clean.cap" "$f"
    wpaclean "B/CleanCaps/$l clean.cap" "$f"
ls -lh B/CleanCaps/*
mkdir B/HCcaps
for f in B/CleanCaps/*
  n=`echo -n "$f" | cut -b 13- | sed s/\ clean\.cap//g`
  aircrack-ng -J "B/HCcaps/$n" "$f"
ls -lh B/HCcaps/*

Now the packets are first MD5 checked, putted in the UniqueCaps directory, sanity-checked and then BSSID checked and put in the ReallyUniqueCaps directory. Maybe the double check it's useless (now that we can compare the BSSIDs we don't need the MD5 check anymore), but I think I will keep that check anyway for practicality.

For anyone who's interested, the original thread was on md5decrypter.co.uk

.txt   script_it.txt (Size: 2.24 KB / Downloads: 5)

Messages In This Thread
WPA Strip, Clean and Convert Script - by Hash-IT - 11-14-2011, 06:03 PM
RE: WPA Strip, Clean and Convert Script - by SmilingWolf - 11-15-2011, 06:22 PM
RE: WPA Strip, Clean and Convert Script - by atom - 11-16-2011, 12:29 PM
RE: WPA Strip, Clean and Convert Script - by atom - 11-16-2011, 04:51 PM
RE: WPA Strip, Clean and Convert Script - by atom - 11-20-2011, 10:53 AM