Ahhhh ... so they only need to be "proportional" within specific attack type/combos, and that's why they can't be compared across them! Because it's *called* a keyspace ... but it isn't really strictly an actual keyspace in the literal sense, just a way to divide up work within that attack.
(Hmm ... so in retrospect, using word other than "keyspace" (which means something specific in the general cracking context to most users) would have probably been better -- maybe "workset" or something like that). [Edit: yeah, what undeath said
Now I finally get it. Thanks!
Ahhhh ... so they only need to be "proportional" within specific attack type/combos, and that's why they can't be compared across them! Because it's *called* a keyspace ... but it isn't really strictly an actual keyspace in the literal sense, just a way to divide up work within that attack.
(Hmm ... so in retrospect, using word other than "keyspace" (which means something specific in the general cracking context to most users) would have probably been better -- maybe "workset" or something like that). [Edit: yeah, what undeath said

Now I finally get it. Thanks!