XFX ATI HD 5870 Radeon graphics card 1gb, AMD, PCI-e.
Cuz i have no idea if a newer graphics card will run on my PC

Is there any limitations.

Its a Pentium 4
2gig upgradable
1tb HD


1 x pci/e 16

So, is there any limitations other than Power consumption and power ports...

Can i basically install any graphics card within the power consumption range.

thakns for any info..

Iv found a decent 5 series amd 

 Radeon HD 5770: ~39500 PMK/s

Seems ok..

Seems like it will run on my pc too..

And half decent hash rate..

So i may give it a go...

What you rekon folks..

Is it a Good starter...

Messages In This Thread
RE: XFX ATI HD 5870 Radeon graphics card 1gb, AMD, PCI-e. - by mysterdee888 - 03-28-2018, 05:50 PM