First year of medical school notes encrypted; begging for help
TL, Dr. Wink

To summarize: you are cracking an iTunes backup (probably the newer -m 14800, >= 10.0 version) on a single GTX 970, and you're looking for better options.

On the spectrum of dictionary attacks through brute force, there are a variety of other techniques to try in the middle ... but they will do you no good if the password is strong, and you remember nothing about what it might be.

There are other ways to use hashcat and its sibling programs to assemble some other kinds of attack. But there's a relatively steep learning curve ... and this hash is a very slow one. Unless it's a relatively simple password, you're pretty unlikely to recover it - even with expert help. Such expert help exists, but helping you to find such expert help is outside the scope of this forum.

And even if you spend $5K on hardware, or rent a GPU cluster in the Amazon cloud, you're only going to achieve something on the order of 1000 passwords per second.

Messages In This Thread
RE: First year of medical school notes encrypted; begging for help - by royce - 05-30-2018, 04:11 AM