oclhashcat-lite v0.8 Bug Report Thread
(01-30-2012, 05:21 PM)atom Wrote: what is the exact problem?

oclHashcat-lite64.exe --hash-type 15 4a80a448a4a5c5d20024cba8a3c779dd:?$x&XL5w>\c*7,F03G=v~0`THUP{,b

oclHashcat-lite v0.8 by atom starting...

ERROR: hash: 4a80a448a4a5c5d20024cba8a3c779dd:?$x, line length exception: 36
ERROR: invalid hash '4a80a448a4a5c5d20024cba8a3c779dd:?$x'. double check -m para
the same in hex:

oclHashcat-lite64.exe --hex-salt --hash-type 15 4a80a448a4a5c5d20024cba8a3c779dd:3F247826584C35773E5C632A372C463033473D767E3060544855507B2C62

ERROR: hash: 4a80a448a4a5c5d20024cba8a3c779dd:3F247826584C35773E5C632A372C463033
473D767E3060544855507B2C62, line length exception: 93
ERROR: invalid hash '4a80a448a4a5c5d20024cba8a3c779dd:3F247826584C35773E5C632A37
2C463033473D767E3060544855507B2C62'. double check -m parameter
Maybe I do not understand that? a reaction to the character "&"
but in oclHashcat-plus it works

oclHashcat-plus64.exe --hash-type 2711 --attack-mode 3 --custom-charset1 ?l?d --hex-charset --hex-salt 4a80a448a4a5c5d20024cba8a3c779dd:3F247826584C35773E5C632A372C463033473D767

Status.......: Running
Input.Mode...: Mask (?1?1?1?1?1?1?1)
Hash.Target..: 4a80a448a4a5c5d20024cba8a3c779dd:3f247826584c35773e5c632a372c4630
Hash.Type....: vBulletin > v3.8.5
Time.Running.: 49 secs
Time.Left....: 22 secs
Time.Util....: 49741.8ms/292.8ms Real/CPU, 0.6% idle
Speed........: 1090.9M c/s Real, 1565.1M c/s GPU
Recovered....: 0/1 Digests, 0/1 Salts
Progress.....: 54263808000/78364164096 (69.25%)
Rejected.....: 0/54263808000 (0.00%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 73% GPU, 85c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 73% GPU, 85c Temp
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit =>

Messages In This Thread
RE: oclhashcat-lite v0.8 Bug Report Thread - by lindros - 01-30-2012, 06:37 PM