Ethereum ICO wallet, brute forcing password

As I said, I have a password which is believed to be the recorded password, "Tr0nic0n10977$". By hand, I rewrote the password into over 80 different format, and it is the password list I have.

Having this password, I thought it will be a lot easier. I used the password list with this attack, "hashcat -m 16300 -a 0 -D1 presales_wallet_hash.txt password_list.txt -w 3 -r rules/***.rule" and ran all the available hashcat rules (with exception of the hybrid rules) but I did not get the solution.

So, now that it is becoming more difficult and frustrating, I currently download a "rockyou.txt" file with over 14 million words and I am running this attack "hashcat -m 16300 -a 0 -w 3 -r rules/best64.rule presales_wallet_has.txt rockyou.txt".

This attack is still running but I don't even think it will be successful because the recorded password "Tr0nic0n10977$" deviates a lot from the sample passwords in the rockyou.txt file . I used grep to search for patterns (like: Tron, Tr0n, ic0n, 10977$ etc) but the result seems poor to me.

I am thinking that there should be a more effective attack which can use the recorded password, "Tr0nic0n1977$", to produce a more specific result. I believe there is. I just don't know it.

I will appreciate if someone can recommend other types of better attacks or more advanced attacks.

Here is my device info:
OpenCL Info:

OpenCL Platform ID #1
Vendor..: Apple
Name....: Apple
Version.: OpenCL 1.2 (Nov 23 2020 03:06:15)

Backend Device ID #1
Type...........: CPU
Vendor.ID......: 4
Vendor.........: Intel
Name...........: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5257U CPU @ 2.70GHz
Version........: OpenCL 1.2
Processor(s)...: 4
Clock..........: 2700
Memory.Total...: 8192 MB (limited to 2048 MB allocatable in one block)
Memory.Free....: 8128 MB
OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 1.2
Driver.Version.: 1.1

Backend Device ID #2
Type...........: GPU
Vendor.ID......: 8
Vendor.........: Intel Inc.
Name...........: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 6100
Version........: OpenCL 1.2
Processor(s)...: 48
Clock..........: 1050
Memory.Total...: 1536 MB (limited to 384 MB allocatable in one block)
Memory.Free....: 1472 MB
OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 1.2
Driver.Version.: 1.2(Dec 2 2020 20:57:44)

Thanks so much for your time.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ethereum ICO wallet, brute forcing password - by Etienereum - 01-24-2021, 09:21 AM