Recover passwords in output user:plain
Please, I am very interested in the exact details how to solve this.

I have a db with >100k entries (user:hash); roughly half of which have been de-hashed into a separate file (hash:plain).

How to best proceed to get a user:plain file?

A hashcat.pot file exists, if that's any good.

What would an exact oclhashcat-plus command line be?

Alternatively, can this be achieved with a cleaver find/replace algo in for example Excel or Notepad++?

(And the above posted php solution doesn't work when the lengths of the two input files are mismatched.)

Messages In This Thread
Recover passwords in output user:plain - by ABC - 03-14-2012, 03:29 AM
RE: Recover passwords in output user:plain - by drfreddy - 04-11-2013, 01:37 PM