* Device #1: Skipping hash-mode 9600 - known CUDA/OpenCL Runtime/Driver issue (not a
When I try bruteforce,dictionary it shows *device 1 (only my cpu ryzen5) and -  "* Device #1: Skipping hash-mode 9600 - known CUDA/OpenCL Runtime/Driver issue (not a hashcat issue)"
So it does not recognize my Gpu (amd rx570) there are 315 h/s with only the cpu and it is too low.
When I try sudo hashcat -I   it shows only one device that is my cpu.
Any help how to add the gpu,i updated everything on vmware on The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) did all radeon updates but its still the same.
don't use a virtual machine
don't use K A L I

2 easy steps that should solve the problem. Use bare metal machine with an operating system supported by the driver vendors (like ubuntu etc)