combinator with two wordlists and appending two digits
Hi, I want to crack a password with the format of wordlist1 + wordlist2 + 2 digit number. 

I am currently trying to use this code: 
combinator wordlist1.txt wordlist2.txt ?d?d | hashcat -m 0 hash.txt

The code runs, but it keeps saying Status: Exhausted. I know this means that it couldn't find a password with the given wordlists, but I checked them both and I am pretty sure that they both don't have any words missing from them. 

I was wondering if there was a problem with my code that would cause this, or if anyone knew a different way to crack the password that would work better. Thank you in advance, I appreciate the help!
(04-02-2023, 01:53 AM)yasmeenatout Wrote: Hi, I want to crack a password with the format of wordlist1 + wordlist2 + 2 digit number. 

I am currently trying to use this code: 
combinator wordlist1.txt wordlist2.txt ?d?d | hashcat -m 0 hash.txt

The code runs, but it keeps saying Status: Exhausted. I know this means that it couldn't find a password with the given wordlists, but I checked them both and I am pretty sure that they both don't have any words missing from them. 

I was wondering if there was a problem with my code that would cause this, or if anyone knew a different way to crack the password that would work better. Thank you in advance, I appreciate the help!

Can you use masks with combinator? I don't think you can.
If you run combinator wordlist1.txt wordlist2.txt ?d?d without piping it into hashcat, will it the output the candidates formatted per your request?
Instead of

combinator wordlist1.txt wordlist2.txt ?d?d | hashcat -m 0 hash.txt

you do:

combinator wordlist1.txt wordlist2.txt | hashcat -m 0 hash.txt -r rules/hybrid/append_d.rule -r rules/hybrid/append_d.rule

And it's actually efficient use of hashcat, because the stacked rules will act as amplifier. You can also do three to increase it even more, or use a ruleset with more characters. Just see what's inside rules/hybrid