Hi all. The task is not so hard and i optimistically hope it could be solved by local old members, and hope it would be interesing for you!
i know all the hashing algorithms are described on hashcat wiki page, but I am currently dealing with some sort of extra salting(i know using this word here is wrong, but ill try to explain below) hash or something .
Developers claiming DES is used, but I can not track what is exactly DES of what I am receiving here.
I know DES is 13 symbols long, but I can not find 13 symbols here which would look like DES hash.
I ve got an encoding tool, it gives me 2 values, like "private", value which I am using, and "public" analogue of encrypted plaintext, the public value kind of is visible for all, while private is only used as admin, but their "meaning" for programm is equal .
Here are some combinations .
P.S plaintext available = all english letters + all symbols+ digits, 1 to 15 characters
And the hashing algorithm is weak, as the "private" encrypted value is actually number which never exceeds 2 ^powered to 24. I suppose the programm encoding not the plaintext I am entering, but the first transfering somehow into numerical value, which is not more than 8 characters long, and after giving the "public" hash.
There is , as you could see, constant part in the start of the "hash", and the symbol in the end. anyway i could not figure out what exactly is the hash, with no extra symbols, which are added here for 100%
Also, solo characters are encoded like this :
I would apprerciate any assistance, breaking my head over this for lst 2 nights. If you need more combinations, please ask, ,I suppose some experineced cryptographer will solve it really smooth and fast
i know all the hashing algorithms are described on hashcat wiki page, but I am currently dealing with some sort of extra salting(i know using this word here is wrong, but ill try to explain below) hash or something .
Developers claiming DES is used, but I can not track what is exactly DES of what I am receiving here.
I know DES is 13 symbols long, but I can not find 13 symbols here which would look like DES hash.
I ve got an encoding tool, it gives me 2 values, like "private", value which I am using, and "public" analogue of encrypted plaintext, the public value kind of is visible for all, while private is only used as admin, but their "meaning" for programm is equal .
Here are some combinations .
P.S plaintext available = all english letters + all symbols+ digits, 1 to 15 characters
And the hashing algorithm is weak, as the "private" encrypted value is actually number which never exceeds 2 ^powered to 24. I suppose the programm encoding not the plaintext I am entering, but the first transfering somehow into numerical value, which is not more than 8 characters long, and after giving the "public" hash.
There is , as you could see, constant part in the start of the "hash", and the symbol in the end. anyway i could not figure out what exactly is the hash, with no extra symbols, which are added here for 100%
Quote:a dgWWWKXXpf36Ez5wPaEQRUoablcA 35995
aa dgWWWE(B96j5vdKPPeAQRUoablcA 3739
aaa dgWWWIxx5nPcFfrpPeBRRUoablcA 1511067
aaaa dgWWWDarGrn(kBSYPeBRBEoablcA 9768603
aaaaa dgWWWB6z(TxrLZKCPeBRBAsablcA 9777888
aaaaaa dgWWWCkbg7ytisDzPeBRBAtbblcA 9811168
aaaaaaa dgWWWBFu(KVm8M9XPeBRBAtbL1cA 13808864
aaaaaaaa dgWWWCYImJIK49VAPeBRBAtbLxYA 5551328
aaaaaaaaa dgWWWCYImJIK49VAGgG5ZtHHFgAA 5568090
aaaaaaaaaa dgWWWCYImJIK49VAu3wyJr)JYecA 5535834
aaaaaaaaaaa dgWWWCYImJIK49VAJUfnvTjbtKsA 11303002
aaaaaaaaaaaa dgWWWCYImJIK49VA6QLdCcwQ81IA 2259034
aaaaaaaaaaaaa dgWWWCYImJIK49VArIcWzeYcebkA 2234948
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa dgWWWCYImJIK49VAocKXZeSY0SQA 2268228
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dgWWWCYImJIK49VAc1VLqVcXJeQA 6200388
hh dgWWWETrkUuhspmSNOkQRUoablcA 7305
hhh dgWWWC(yXAxE67EaNOlYRUoablcA 334985
hhhh dgWWWNk8ZX7iSftENOlYDUoablcA 9772169
hhhhh dgWWWL3sCp6GsSlfNOlYDQIablcA 9780131
hhhhhh dgWWWBE2VFYunL3bNOlYDQJSblcA 9816995
hhhhhhh dgWWWFsWDCTd8wpqNOlYDQJSJlcA 10013603
hhhhhhhh dgWWWGtnyXweo0xvNOlYDQJSJh8A 6867875
hhhhhhhhh dgWWWGtnyXweo0xvk(QXOrNvjR8A 6861955
hhhhhhhhhh dgWWWGtnyXweo0xvG6SZ0ND1D5UA 6825090
hhhhhhhhhhh dgWWWGtnyXweo0xvsaq5xBuO(wQA 3613826
hhhhhhhhhhhhh dgWWWGtnyXweo0xvLc8DzvOD1AIA 10942095
hhhhhhhhhhhhhh dgWWWGtnyXweo0xvlKYV70mBaysA 10913423
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dgWWWGtnyXweo0xvQNgTrx4ks1IA 7964303
aaaaaaj dgWWWBV0sV2CUj4hPeBRBAtbJFcA 12629216
aaaaaak dgWWWHnhfzyp83aqPeBRBAtbJVcA 13022432
aaaaaah dgWWWL5gotgpSA6vPeBRBAtbJlcA 14464224
aaaaaai dgWWWHGfWjlPn)T4PeBRBAtbJ1cA 12760288
aaaaaan dgWWWNB5U7qHS9WcPeBRBAtbIFcA 14202080
aaaaaao dgWWWCRCHCBtEo(APeBRBAtbIVcA 14595296
aaaaaal dgWWWCwLoqNNz1qVPeBRBAtbIlcA 13939936
aaaaaam dgWWWCy5kkhHbzB1PeBRBAtbI1cA 14333152
aaaaaab dgWWWFNniGwo1ypVPeBRBAtbLFcA 13677792
aaaaaac dgWWWJ6SZVVetOn6PeBRBAtbLVcA 14071008
aaaaaag dgWWWOV4BIm3ScfHPeBRBAtbKVcA 15643872
aaaaaad dgWWWN4AWWwntIl3PeBRBAtbKlcA 14988512
aaaaaae dgWWWJLTk(NCi4SnPeBRBAtbK1cA 15381728
aaaaaaf dgWWWAxITzq9X6euPeBRBAtbKFcA 15250656
Also, solo characters are encoded like this :
Quote:dgWWWP616eZXji9OUKEQRUoablcA 35905 ,And as an ending, some intersting things which i noticed :
dgWWWNNQ6San(NaPUaEQRUoablcA 35907 -
dgWWWNZ2oFbvYc8SUqEQRUoablcA 35909 .
dgWWWOZD9VRYzEflU6EQRUoablcA 35911 /
dgWWWNLOM0(s8gqUVKEQRUoablcA 35913 (
dgWWWNoM4PoE05ZeVaEQRUoablcA 35915 )
dgWWWAzx9aSKGyyTVqEQRUoablcA 35917 *
dgWWWGZoAXlhMB2GV6EQRUoablcA 35919 +
dgWWWOQ99Dhi1n1LWKEQRUoablcA 35921 $
dgWWWBT1iuGA5siZWaEQRUoablcA 35923 %
dgWWWNa6PIXQeWgWWqEQRUoablcA 35925 &
dgWWWF4Tqf6hoAqqW6EQRUoablcA 35927 '
dgWWWAbDu8Jt4DPnXKEQRUoablcA 35929 SPACE
dgWWWD8DHRnNqPYuXaEQRUoablcA 35931 !
dgWWWNqRPF(bwDi516EQRUoablcA 35933 «
dgWWWLemEtZPRbvJX6EQRUoablcA 35935 #
dgWWWKX8GrAOLcr1QKEQRUoablcA 35937 <
dgWWWC)ZaQsW5gd8QaEQRUoablcA 35939 =
dgWWWOuiJFcy4O0RQqEQRUoablcA 35941 >
dgWWWB8DZOftBkHbQ6EQRUoablcA 35943 ?
dgWWWIl5al7v6Yb0RKEQRUoablcA 35945 8
dgWWWDd3dw3CyIjtRaEQRUoablcA 35947 9
dgWWWJpeqxijlp9FRqEQRUoablcA 35949 :
dgWWWBMmiW485AplR6EQRUoablcA 35951 ;
dgWWWMPnGWAv0TmrSKEQRUoablcA 35953 4
dgWWWFCQV94N3qMySaEQRUoablcA 35955 5
dgWWWGtP6mS2L7JwSqEQRUoablcA 35957 6
dgWWWOqMrFJ(YeUDS6EQRUoablcA 35959 7
dgWWWKIPx3YpVcrMTaEQRUoablcA 35963 1
dgWWWB(YJRHxszPcTqEQRUoablcA 35965 2
dgWWWLwt5gua2I(9T6EQRUoablcA 35967 3
dgWWWA7)d7aB43CMMKEQRUoablcA 35969 l
dgWWWGkWOQw1d1OrMaEQRUoablcA 35971 m
dgWWWHmjnmih4f51MqEQRUoablcA 35973 n
dgWWWEanv4omoG6eM6EQRUoablcA 35975 o
dgWWWCimIKKhX7KrNaEQRUoablcA 35979 i
dgWWWD60hdzIq(4TNqEQRUoablcA 35981 j
dgWWWLbozx)0VjUrN6EQRUoablcA 35983 k
dgWWWEMn469BRQeqOKEQRUoablcA 35985 d
dgWWWMJTFzcLz7F7OaEQRUoablcA 35987 e
dgWWWMJ4qSY3(JydOqEQRUoablcA 35989 f
dgWWWM9MFfOx)DiFO6EQRUoablcA 35991 g
dgWWWHA)TLT6x35aPKEQRUoablcA 35993 @
dgWWWKXXpf36Ez5wPaEQRUoablcA 35995 a
dgWWWA(IGzuPV3ooPqEQRUoablcA 35997 b
dgWWWIDyJRCbIo3sP6EQRUoablcA 35999 c
dgWWWOG(k8eJnUJBIKEQRUoablcA 36001 \
dgWWWLxQKZ6FS3eGIaEQRUoablcA 36003 ]
dgWWWNHTmAGlBdrTIqEQRUoablcA 36005 ^
dgWWWLIzw1G4G3Y5I6EQRUoablcA 36007 _
dgWWWAdsyHDjI)ubJKEQRUoablcA 36009 x
dgWWWGDTAzLM8S8GJaEQRUoablcA 36011 y
dgWWWI5AG)YysvsJJqEQRUoablcA 36013 z
dgWWWDaXTytjgsHBJ6EQRUoablcA 36015 [
dgWWWPcO2bZbW3rgKKEQRUoablcA 36017 t
dgWWWG0ljR)g5rzwKaEQRUoablcA 36019 u
dgWWWBQYuumQcOchKqEQRUoablcA 36021 v
dgWWWAQK(mpvmYC5K6EQRUoablcA 36023 w
dgWWWJPQqMoHuSk9LKEQRUoablcA 36025 p
dgWWWBkbhms6buX9LaEQRUoablcA 36027 q
dgWWWO5Y)ukBKt1YLqEQRUoablcA 36029 r
dgWWWD6dDkINbVSCL6EQRUoablcA 36031 s
Quote:aaaaaav dgWWWH4g5lqUsW(9PeBRBAtbOFcA 8959200Sometimes different plaintext could give similar values
aaaaaau dgWWWA6fCYsH5LZaPeBRBAtbO1cA 9090272
Step is 131072 , 2^17
Comparing consecutive values:
= 13677792 - 13808864 = -131072 (which is -2^17).
= 14071008 - 13677792 = 393216 (which is 2^19, not 2^17).
= 15774944 - 15906016 = -131072 (which is -2^17).
= 16168160 - 15774944 = 393216 (which is 2^19, not 2^17).
Quote:aacca 9777888 dgWWWEPjwRQTIdy3PeBTBgsablcA
aadda 9777888 dgWWWBik3bZSDn6fPeBUAQsablcA
aaeea 9777888 dgWWWGLMoRQBY8BcPeBVAAsablcA
aaffa 9777888 dgWWWFdbl5O0EYjqPeBWAwsablcA
I would apprerciate any assistance, breaking my head over this for lst 2 nights. If you need more combinations, please ask, ,I suppose some experineced cryptographer will solve it really smooth and fast