Correct software for Arch
If someone uses Archlinux tell which packages you installed for the correct opencl support. Hashcat with clover recognize my old gpu but return segfault. Rocm-opencl-runtime with xf86-video-amdgpu dont work at all. I tried to compile opencl-amd from AUR but it doesnt work too.
The old proprietary driver for my card is not compatible with the newest xorg.
Is there some opencl package under Arch that can run with hashcat?
i dont think asking others which packages to install will help you, when your hardware seems so old, that the support was dropped, it will dont help installing the actual packages other users use, when you will most propably have to use old, obsolete or legacy packages.
Please see here
You need
intel-opencl-runtime works for non-Intel CPUs as well.
Also you can try run hashcat under Windows.
Please see here
Don't forget to share your results.
Please provide output of
hashcat -II
(01-22-2024, 02:28 PM)Snoopy Wrote: i dont think asking others which packages to install will help you, when your hardware seems so old, that the support was dropped, it will dont help installing the actual packages other users use, when you will most propably have to use old, obsolete or legacy packages.
Well I understood that opencl is only for the rich. Ok.
I'm using the most cheap radeon card and bought it recently. Why they drop the support for the cards which are still sold everywhere? One can say all cheap cards use old technologies but nvidia cuda works and amd opencl never.
Which obsolete packages? They dont work too.
Is opencl really so non-standard complicated thing?
no it is not, but as with other things, there are different major versions, for running hashcat it should be version 2.1 or above, other old versions like 1.2 are likely to cause trouble when running with hashcat

for that reason, if your hardware doesnt support opencl 2.1 or there is no package for your hardware to run opencl, is it tricky to find these legacy packages, but thats not a hashcat problem

i would try to do some very exact google searches like: radon XXX opencl 2.1 driver package for linux and see/hope that there are some hits other linux forums

OR just try using a more userfirendly distro like ubuntu (linux version of hashcat is coded under ubuntu) and not some poweruser thing like arch
The card supports OpenCL 1.1 may be 1.2
I though hashcat worked with all the versions of opencl.
Shall it help if i download one of the previous versions (hashcat)?

This is the more informative output of john:
Device 1@: AMD -------- (DRM 2.50.0 / 6.7.0-arch3-1, LLVM 16.0.6)
Options used: -I /usr/share/john/kernels -cl-mad-enable -D__MESA__ -D__GPU__ -DDEVICE_INFO=522 -D__SIZEOF_HOST_SIZE_T__=8 -DDEV_VER_MAJOR=23 -DDEV_VER_MINOR=3 -D_OPENCL_COMPILER -DHASH_LOOPS=105 -DITERATIONS=4095 -DPLAINTEXT_LENGTH=63 -DV_WIDTH=1 /usr/share/john/kernels/
Build log: <unknown>:0:0: in function wpapsk_init void (ptr addrspace(1), ptr addrspace(4), ptr addrspace(1)): unsupported call to function preproc

Error building kernel /usr/share/john/kernels/ DEVICE_INFO=522
0: OpenCL CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE (-11) error in opencl_common.c:1386 - clBuildProgram
according to this error:
unsupported call to function preproc

yeah, your running opencl implementation is whether to old or the function (not quite sure with that) is not supported by your card

imagine opencl like a programming language und you try to use a function wich was implemented in a later version, or in terms of a gpu, you want to use DLSS 3.0 but have a XGA graphicscard from 30 years ago

please try ubuntu as their hardware support is really widespread