Need help
This is my first post. Even though I searched extensively I couldnt find any answer to my question. Probably there is one thoug, so please excuse if this issue has already been covered in the forum.

I have an old true crypt container. I forgot the password (its been 10 years and more now)
I know single words but i am not sure in which order and so on.

I tried to put them in a word list but it did not work. 
I tryed to has a container I knew the pasword of and even if all parts of the password are inside the wordlist I wasnt able to hash it. So I guess i am doing something wrong. 

However I am not sure if I am doing it correctly. 

here my command:

hashcat -m xxxx -a 0 -D 2 c:\cc\hashes\ C:\cc\hashcat-6.2.6\custom\wordlist.txt C:\cc\hashcat-6.2.6\custom\wordlist1.txt