Problem with hash
Hello guys,
so my problem is that I have pdf file with uknown pasword to me. I tried hashcat with pdf file with known to me password and everything worked. First I used:
Quote:perl file.pdf
Then I copied hash, passed it to the txt file and I used command:
Quote:hashcat.exe -m 10500 -a 3 pdf.txt ?a?a?a?a?a
Everything worked fine, but when I tried to use the same method on the file with uknown to me pasword I got such a message:
Quote:Hashfile 'pdf.txt' on line 1 ($pdf$2...38a2fbde52ad9ed0599cc71b00468e96): Token length exception

* Token length exception: 1/1 hashes
  This error happens if the wrong hash type is specified, if the hashes are
  malformed, or if input is otherwise not as expected (for example, if the
  --username option is used but no username is present)

No hashes loaded.

I also tried:
Quote:hashcat.exe -a 3 pdf2.txt
and result was:
Quote:No hash-mode matches the structure of the input hash.
My hash is:

Any ideas what went wrong and if anything can be done? I would be gratefull for answers.
(07-15-2024, 07:03 PM)IAmMe Wrote: My hash is:
Quote:$pdf$2*3*128*4294965444*1*16*28 . . .

Any ideas what went wrong and if anything can be done? I would be gratefull for answers.

Try to replace 32-bit unsigned value 4294965444 with signed one: -1852
Or try to use last hashcat version
Hello. Luckily, this bug has already been fixed, the fix is just not in the release version of Hashcat as it's rather old. Download the new-ish beta binary from and try that instead

Edit: Ah, nick8606 has already beaten me to it Smile
It works, thank you guys!