Cracking Verycrypt HDD with PIM
Hello guys,
i lost my password for my veracrypt crypted HDD.
I know 99% of the password, thats why i want to try to bruteforce it.

I also have a PIM, so i dont know, how to brute password + pim and same time,
maybe someone can help me.

Its a mask attack that i need, right?

I have the hash in a .txt file.
the passwordlist in a .txt file
and the pim list in a .txt

is this, the right command then?

hashcat -m 13711 -a 0 -o cracked.txt hash.txt passwort.txt pim.txt

does it work? i want it to test all password + pim combinations.

thank you very much for help.
Use --veracrypt-pim-start and --veracrypt-pim-stop.
See hashcat --help for usage.
And the mode you are choosing: well, if you know for sure that it's ripemd160 + xts 512, then yes. But if you have a hash and not a binary, then you need the 294xx modes. The default is 29421.
Again, see hashcat --help.