RTX 5090 Bcrypt speeds.
Hi, I've been using 2x RTX 5090 to try and crack a bcrypt hash:

I've seen benchmark results for the RTX 5090 showing speeds of up to 294 kH/s, but when I try to crack my hash, I get these speeds:
- 9921 H/s
- 9848 H/s
Is this normal for a bcrypt hash with 1024 rounds? The drop from 294 kH/s to around 9900 H/s seems huge.
I know the benchmark uses $2y$05$ instead of $2y$10$, but even with that in mind, this still feels unusually low for an RTX 5090.
Would appreciate any insights!
Going from cost 5 (32) to cost 10 (1024) is a 32 times increase (32*32=1024). So 294 kH/s (294000 H/s) divided by 32 is 9187 H/s which is pretty darn close to your speed. Your speed is even a bit faster.

So yes, by checking the math it is very normal.