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Hi everyone,
I've found oclHashCat+ and I've been really impressed by this soft.
But I can't finf how I can set a charset simply.
I just want him to search between 1-15 lengths and with a charset including a - z // A - Z // 0 - 9 // special characters (like @ or !)
How can I do that ?
And do you have any idea for the time necessary ?
I've a Intel Core i7 and a Radeon HD5870 Mobility (it's a laptop).
Thank you very much.
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(02-28-2011, 08:10 PM)MasterChief Wrote: Hi everyone,
I've found oclHashCat+ and I've been really impressed by this soft.
But I can't finf how I can set a charset simply.
I just want him to search between 1-15 lengths and with a charset including a - z // A - Z // 0 - 9 // special characters (like @ or !)
How can I do that ?
And do you have any idea for the time necessary ?
I've a Intel Core i7 and a Radeon HD5870 Mobility (it's a laptop).
Thank you very much.
1. use oclhc, if you don't need the gpu rule engine, not oclhc+
2. in oclhc, the mask processor is used for charsets.
3. bruteforcing the full keyrange of a 15 char plaintext may take approximately 1,7 trillion years (some days up or down), even if encrypted with a non-salted weak algo. Regardless of your card setup. And you don't want to pay that electricity bill.
Best J
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Mmmmhhhh Indeed I think I don't have the money for 1.7 trillion years of electricity...
Mask processor ? How can I use that ? (I've looked into the example file but I havn't understand what is the syntax...

Thank you very much
Posts: 22
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Joined: Dec 2010
(02-28-2011, 08:37 PM)MasterChief Wrote: Mmmmhhhh Indeed I think I don't have the money for 1.7 trillion years of electricity...
Mask processor ? How can I use that ? (I've looked into the example file but I havn't understand what is the syntax...
Thank you very much 
I guess testing 7 char plaintexts will demand enough patience with the mentioned hardware and this charset, maybe only 6 chars. You could put the idle i7 CPU cores by to use by running john the ripper simultaneously. And put the notebook in the fridge then
mycoollinuxnotebookprompt # ./oclHashcat64.bin -m [yourAlgoNumberHere] -1 ?u?l?d?s --increment [yourHashfileHere] ?1?1?1?1 ?1?1?1
Careful, increment (in this case) starts at 5 chars. Do a quick search for 4 char passes with ?1?1 ?1?1 before. If you are on Windows, use oclHashcat.exe, naturally.
Posts: 3
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Joined: Feb 2011
Oh thank you very much

I'll do this

Thank's for your help