12-30-2014, 03:12 PM
Hello everyone i got tired of entering over and over manually options and other for hashcat Dictionary attack, so i've made simple bat script and wanted to share it with you:
Save it as .bat
Run .bat and enter id of encryption or leave blank for plain Md5(0)
After that it will ask you for your hash file name enter only file name so example my hash file is "hashes.txt" i will enter only "hashes"
Next it will ask you for your Dictionaries location.
And last it will ask you for found passwords location, you can leave it blank and it will save it as your hashfile_found.txt
Have fun.
@echo off
title "Dictionary Attack ~ K3yW0rm"
set /P hashtype=Enter hash id you are willing to crack:
set /P hashfile=Enter your hash filename:
set /P hashdict=Enter location of your dictionaries:
set /P hashfound=Enter name of found file:
IF "%hashtype%"=="" (
set hashtype=0
IF "%hashfound%"=="" (
set hashfound=%hashfile%_found
oclHashcat64.exe -m %hashtype% -a 0 %hashfile%.txt %hashdict% -o %hashfound%.txt --outfile-format=3 --remove
Save it as .bat
Run .bat and enter id of encryption or leave blank for plain Md5(0)
After that it will ask you for your hash file name enter only file name so example my hash file is "hashes.txt" i will enter only "hashes"
Next it will ask you for your Dictionaries location.
And last it will ask you for found passwords location, you can leave it blank and it will save it as your hashfile_found.txt

Have fun.