hello again 
firstly salt info:
im trying recover salt md5 hash but there is no option in hashcat for that salt, md5(salt1.pass.salt2) and I did just little changes and its working right now BUT that speed its really slow..
and I realized what is the problem.
once I'm using hashtype:10 for md5 salt well this is like md5(pass.salt) and then I created text file for hash its like that
pass: (salt2)
and using attack with that mask (salt1)?d?d?d?d?d?d
BUT its very slow because when I add salt1 I think problem is backslash(\) speed decreased very much
without backslash(\):
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Hash.Type........: md5($pass.$salt)
Hash.Target......: 2db692e0fd73a4f0e59dadb5c6ed5f62:\245\144\076\274\3...51\005
Time.Started.....: Sun Nov 11 00:02:59 2018 (3 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Sun Nov 11 00:05:17 2018 (2 mins, 15 secs)
Guess.Mask.......: 337?u?u?u?u?u?u?u [10]
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#1.....: 34700.1 kH/s (57.10ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:26 Thr:576 Vec:1
Speed.Dev.#2.....: 24261.2 kH/s (79.15ms) @ Accel:16 Loops:13 Thr:512 Vec:1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 58961.3 kH/s
Recovered........: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.........: 71991296/8031810176 (0.90%)
Rejected.........: 0/71991296 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 2621440/308915776 (0.85%)
Candidates.#1....: 337MERMEYA -> 337QTEUPST
Candidates.#2....: 337HMOZLDA -> 337QVHJVRE
HWMon.Dev.#1.....: Temp: 59c
HWMon.Dev.#2.....: N/A
with backslash(\)
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Hash.Type........: md5($pass.$salt)
Hash.Target......: ky.txt
Time.Started.....: Sun Nov 11 00:16:24 2018 (5 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Sun Nov 11 00:16:37 2018 (8 secs)
Guess.Mask.......: \262?d?d?d?d?a?a [10]
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#1.....: 3950.1 kH/s (88.53ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:1 Thr:512 Vec:1
Speed.Dev.#2.....: 9621.9 kH/s (70.38ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:1 Thr:512 Vec:1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 13572.0 kH/s
Recovered........: 0/2 (0.00%) Digests, 0/2 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.........: 66060288/180500000 (36.60%)
Rejected.........: 0/66060288 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 30408704/90250000 (33.69%)
Candidates.#1....: \2629899\" -> \2626659~P
Candidates.#2....: \2621159~P -> \2626509lj
HWMon.Dev.#1.....: Temp: 60c
HWMon.Dev.#2.....: N/A
any suggestion thanks

firstly salt info:
im trying recover salt md5 hash but there is no option in hashcat for that salt, md5(salt1.pass.salt2) and I did just little changes and its working right now BUT that speed its really slow..
and I realized what is the problem.
once I'm using hashtype:10 for md5 salt well this is like md5(pass.salt) and then I created text file for hash its like that
pass: (salt2)
and using attack with that mask (salt1)?d?d?d?d?d?d
BUT its very slow because when I add salt1 I think problem is backslash(\) speed decreased very much
without backslash(\):
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Hash.Type........: md5($pass.$salt)
Hash.Target......: 2db692e0fd73a4f0e59dadb5c6ed5f62:\245\144\076\274\3...51\005
Time.Started.....: Sun Nov 11 00:02:59 2018 (3 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Sun Nov 11 00:05:17 2018 (2 mins, 15 secs)
Guess.Mask.......: 337?u?u?u?u?u?u?u [10]
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#1.....: 34700.1 kH/s (57.10ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:26 Thr:576 Vec:1
Speed.Dev.#2.....: 24261.2 kH/s (79.15ms) @ Accel:16 Loops:13 Thr:512 Vec:1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 58961.3 kH/s
Recovered........: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.........: 71991296/8031810176 (0.90%)
Rejected.........: 0/71991296 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 2621440/308915776 (0.85%)
Candidates.#1....: 337MERMEYA -> 337QTEUPST
Candidates.#2....: 337HMOZLDA -> 337QVHJVRE
HWMon.Dev.#1.....: Temp: 59c
HWMon.Dev.#2.....: N/A
with backslash(\)
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Hash.Type........: md5($pass.$salt)
Hash.Target......: ky.txt
Time.Started.....: Sun Nov 11 00:16:24 2018 (5 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Sun Nov 11 00:16:37 2018 (8 secs)
Guess.Mask.......: \262?d?d?d?d?a?a [10]
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#1.....: 3950.1 kH/s (88.53ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:1 Thr:512 Vec:1
Speed.Dev.#2.....: 9621.9 kH/s (70.38ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:1 Thr:512 Vec:1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 13572.0 kH/s
Recovered........: 0/2 (0.00%) Digests, 0/2 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.........: 66060288/180500000 (36.60%)
Rejected.........: 0/66060288 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 30408704/90250000 (33.69%)
Candidates.#1....: \2629899\" -> \2626659~P
Candidates.#2....: \2621159~P -> \2626509lj
HWMon.Dev.#1.....: Temp: 60c
HWMon.Dev.#2.....: N/A
any suggestion thanks